Lockport Chamber of Commerce
This is an application for membership in the Lockport Chamber of Commerce and shall be regarded as a guarantee on the part of the applicant to adhere to the By-laws, Rules and Regulations of the Lockport Chamber of Commerce. Election to membership is subject to a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
By providing the relevant information, you are granting your permission to receive faxes and e-mail at those numbers and addresses listed from the Chamber. You are also in agreement for the Chamber to use your likeness/photo in any Chamber publication. Should you wish to stop receiving faxes and/or e-mails from the Chamber, you can do so by submitting such a request in writing.
Annual dues are not deductible as a charitable expense but may be used as a business expense.Please be sure to discuss this with your accountant.
Additional credit card fees will be applied to your membership dues.